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Archive for April 20th, 2009

Cluster headache attacks

Posted by tootyrox on April 20, 2009

imageI am doing my best to keep the blog updated but it’s going to take a lot more effort than before.

Now it seems that the enemy is hitting me with Cluster headaches. What are they you ask? Horrible. Allow me to paste from the Organization for the understanding of cluster headaches.

What is Cluster Headache (CH)? 

CH is a rare neurological disorder, affecting approximately 0.1% of the population, which causes excruciatingly severe pain on one side of the head, usually centered  around the eye. 

The pain is often described as boring, burning or stabbing and is often likened to someone plunging a red hot poker into the eye.  The pain escalates very rapidly going from zero to debilitating in 5 to 15 minutes and stops as quickly as it starts. 

Attacks last between 15 minutes and 3 hours and can occur from once every other day to eight times per day, usually at the same times each day. One or more of several physical reactions accompany the pain, always on the same side as the pain. image

These include watery eye, runny and/or stopped up nose, red/bloodshot eye, a drooping eyelid, forehead and facial sweating and irritability. 

Unlike with a migraine, a sufferer usually cannot lay down during an attack.  Instead, he or she will usually pace the floor, sit rocking back and forth, bang their head on the floor or wall, curse, scream and cry from the pain.

And yes, for me, the pacing and the screaming has begun.

I’m going to beat this though; one of those close to me* (a protector, though at times I ponder her effectiveness) is doing everything she can to help, and I am grateful.

You see, it’s all being stepped up. Minor irritations aren’t enough to take someone out, but these headaches, and the excruciating pain that they generate are a challenge.

Many have committed suicide to end the pain.

I shan’t.

But this is painful and difficult to endure. I hope I can keep the blogging up..

Last quote: “Cluster headache, nicknamed "suicide headache", is a neurological disease that involves, as its most prominent feature, an immense degree of pain.”


*It is important that no names are EVER used in relation to my updates. The enemy cannot be trusted and I shall be cautious with the lives of others.

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